Slide #4

Tamara Ecclestone's $1.5 Million Crystal Bathtub
We've made a big deal on the site about the Ecclestone sisters, 20-something daughters of the British racing mogul Bernie Ecclestone and heirs to a billion-plus dollar fortune, but we've particularly focused on younger sister Petra, her über-opulent wedding to a human piece of cheese named James Stunt, and her purchase of the $85 million Beverly Hills Spelling Manor, purported by some to be the most expensive home in America. But now it's time to talk about older sis Tamara Ecclestone, who proved that she's not to be outdone when it comes to wasting breathtaking amounts of Daddy's money by copping herself a bathtub made of pure Amazon rock crystal. While the piece itself is worth somewhere in the ballpark of $800k, when you factor in the conversion into a functioning bathtub and the labor involved in reinforcing the bathroom floor of Tamara's $72 million London estate, the total tops out at an eye-popping $1.5 million. But don't fret that she won't get her money's worth! As Tamara says:
"I spend a lot of time in the bath so it's worth it."
Oh thank Christ. [via]
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