Michael Costello Goes Public

While we certainly agree with Teigen's statement that "we are all more than our worst moments," her "worst moments" just keep piling up.

After Teigen issued her (second) apology on Monday, another public figure revealed the rather intense insults she hurled at him.

Fashion designer Michael Costello, who has dressed the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, and Kylie Jenner, took to Instagram to share the details of his "traumatic" interactions with Teigen in 2014. Following what was apparently a case of a disgruntled employee photoshopping racist comments attributed to Costello, Teigen dubbed the designer "racist" and doubled down on threats even after he reached out to explain what happened. 

In a screenshot shared by the designer, Teigen texts, "Racist people like you deserve to suffer and die. You might as well be dead. Your career is over, just watch."

Um, that's... a lot. 

The aftermath of the "cyber defamation" campaign, and an alleged attempt by Teigen to blacklist him in the industry, has left Costello "traumatized, depressed, and [suicidal]" according to his post. 

We suppose a third apology is on its way?

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