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Slide #5

Oh yeah, and in case you were worried about how many times they played "Niggas In Paris" last night, the answer is 10 times, shattering the previous record of 8 established during the Chicago show. Yes, in case this is all coming as news to you, they are indeed playing the same song, over and over, as an encore, and the crowd is eating it up. Oh, and awkward white people: here's a quick guide to whether or not you're allowed to say "Niggas In Paris" when you're trying to identify the song: why not use the same discretion you (presumably) use when saying other offensive words in public? Just a thought. Over the top political correctness by calling the song "N-words In Paris" as if everyone in the room doesn't know the actual name is extremely annoying, but so is being an ignorant asshole. So try to avoid both and you should be okay.
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