Slide #4

Ann Veronica Janssens
Just this year, Ann Veronica Janssens' work has been showcased in Belgium, three cities in France, and now Los Angeles with the opening of her exhibit this Saturday at 1301PE. The photos shown are examples of the work she's displayed at different international venues. Similar to James Turrell, Janssens' use of vivid lights in a specific space involves the viewers' senses in her exhibits which usually feature mesmerizing media installations such as THIS. Although details of her exhibit at 1301PE haven't been revealed, you can be one of the first to experience the surprise this weekend. November 23, 2013 - January 18, 2014 1301PE 6150 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA, 90048 [Photos via @klewk @from1000_kah, video via @ralentir_travaux]
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