The London Look: Nikki Tibbles

by Guest of A Guest · June 5, 2024

    It's certainly no exaggeration to say that Nikki Tibbles is the most interesting person in London. Just look at her! A rock and roll florist slash philanthropist with a serious penchant for ear piercings and tattoos!?

    When she's not running about dreaming up magical floral arrangements for her business Wild At Heart, packing a punch at the city's poshest parties and most luxurious boutiques - in outfits as colorful as her displays, might we add - Nikki's rescuing dogs, re-homing over 2,000 to date through the efforts of her amazing foundation.

    Curious where you'll find this Londoner out and about, what's her most overused Briticism or her remedy for a rainy day?

    Where are you from originally?

    What brought you to London?
    I was working with an advertising agency who relocated to London.

    How long have you been here?
    25 years.

    What neighborhood do you call home?
    Notting Hill.

    What's your job?
    I run my fabulous business Wild at Heart curating our shops, fabulous bouquets, events all over the world. In my spare time I run my charity The Wild at Heart Foundation.

    What do you actually do all day?
    Lots of meetings and walking my dogs.

    Social smoker?

    Go-to pint?

    Crisp of choice?
    Ready salted.

    Preferred pub?
    The Horse Guards Inn in Tillington.

    What's worth the wait?
    True love.

    Tube or Boris bike?
    Neither – too many people and too sweaty.

    Tesco or Sainsbury's?
    Neither - farm shop for me.

    Weekend getaway trip?
    My little home in the country in West Sussex.

    Favourite restaurant?

    Marmite or marmalade?

    British stereotype that rings true?
    Narrow-minded, ill-tempered and always talks about the weather.

    How do you take your tea?

    Most British thing about you?
    My parents.

    Least British thing about you?
    Loving the rain.

    Remedy for a rainy day?
    A very long walk.

    First thing you miss when you leave London?
    My friends.

    Private Members Clubs - yay or nay?
    Mixed feelings.

    Where in town are you almost always?
    Notting Hill.

    Where in town would you never be caught dead?
    Not bothered where I am.

    Best place for a fun night out?

    How would you describe your style?

    Top shopping spots?
    Shopping for me has changed dramatically – very happy with adidas, a sweatshirt from Pleasing and a pair of jeans.

    What's your greatest extravagance?
    Every spare money I have I like to spend on saving dogs all over the world.

    Cheap thrill?
    Driving over 20 mph.

    Who's your favorite person in town?
    Changes weekly depending on where I want to eat.

    What's your most overused Briticism?

    Reading anything good at the moment?
    The Secret Life of Trees.

    What are you most excited for next?

    [Photos by Kirk Truman]