Something you use for fun or a hobby:

Something you use for fun or a hobby: "This amazing DW snare drum. I own a couple but this one is very special. It's a gift from my dearest friends. I love that they know who I am and what music means to me. That's why this one is always around for me to see. I've been playing drums for more than 20 years. I could of given everything up for recording and performing - which I almost did! But I'm very happy of the choices I made which brought me here. Drumming is a part of me I can't run away from, and sometimes wish I had more time for. Lara just got me a new kit for my birthday -- I can't tell you how excited I am. Also, snowboarding is to me what what surfing is to my brother Tim, we're obsessed. I can fly and drive for hours to find the right snow."
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