False Energizing

False Energizing
Today's modern party scene is all about energy. Energy drinks, powders and drugs really get the party started. Trick your desperate friends with Decepti-candy and watch as their mouths are stained or start to foam.
-Sweet Pixie Pollen is yellow, but tastes like cherry. The "Sweet" lets you know it will be super sour. -Refreshing Pegasus Powder is red, but tastes like lemonade. The "Refreshing" lets you know it will foam up in your victim's mouth. -Shining Fairy Dust is green, but tastes like blue raspberry. The "Shining" lets you know it will stain your victim's mouth green. -Ultimate Unicorn Sprinkles is blue, but tastes like green apple. It's the atom bomb of this set - the "Ultimate": it is super sour, foams up, and stains your victim's mouth blue.
Go HERE to buy some Decepti-candy! [Photo via]
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