Twitterific Hampton Tweets...

by KENDRA SEAY · June 11, 2009

    @SteveKasuba Montauk Yacht Club Roaring 20's party Saturday night. Look into it! about 13 hours ago from web



    @CurbedHamptons Mezzaluna Amg. delayed?!?! Say it ain't so... about 9 hours ago from web



    More tweets below...

    @Jill Zarin Going out to dinner with Jeri cohen and the boys. Lots of gossiping!! about 5 hours ago from txt



    @cittanuova adding a "mozzarella menu" on our summer menu about 8 hours ago from web



    @KatieLeeJoel Mom just sent me a quote that i like: "What other people think of you is none of your business." about 2 hours ago from Twitterrific