Eavesdropping In: Tupac's Killer Confesses, Prince Harry Will Return To Afghanistan, And Vancouver Has A Riot Over Stanley Cup

by Chelsea Burcz · June 16, 2011

    Hackers take down the CIA website to show their "muscles," and other hackers are not that impressed. [Gawker]

    Prince Harry has reportedly been cleared to return to active military service in Afghanistan, and he's siked on it. [Gaurdian]

    The man who allegedly shot Tupac Shakur at a New York City recording studio in November 1994 came clean, however he is already behind bars. [ENews]

    Talk about sore losers...rioting hockey fans clashed with police officers, set vehicles ablaze, smashed windows, looted stores and set several fires in downtown areas of Vancouver moments after the Vancouver Canucks lost Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals to the Boston Bruins. [NYT]

    Gabrielle Giffords has been released from the hospital, five months after being shot in the head during a Tucson political event. [HuffPo]