Eavesdropping In: James Franco Reveals Details About NYU Class, Artist Sells Garbage As Art, And Widespread Cyber-Spying Has Been Identified

by Chelsea Burcz · August 3, 2011

    A peacock flew the coop from the Central Park Zoo Tuesday and took up residence on a fifth floor window sill of 838 Fifth Ave. This little bird knows how live in luxury. [AMNY]

    James Franco reveals details of the NYU class he will be teaching, says students will transfer poetry to film and be able to distribute their film. [NYDaily]

    Artist Justin Gignac is selling NYC's garbage as art... and people are buying it. [HuffPo]

    Blackberry is reinventing their phones with touch screens to try and catch up to the iPhone. [WSJ]

    A leading computer security firm has traced the hacking of more than 70 corporations and government organizations over many months. Experts say the snooping probably originated in China. [WashPost]