Eavesdropping In: Anthony Weiner Wants Hillary Clinton To Like Him, The Many Voices Of Paris Hilton, And Lindsay Lohan Photographed With A Tequila Bottle In Hand

by Chelsea Burcz · July 22, 2011

    What is Anthony Weiner up to? No one is really sure, but he wants to get back on Hillary Clinton's good side. [NYP]

    The many voices of Paris Hilton -- she ditched her baby talk for her "normal" voice in interview. [Mediaite]

    There's an all girls Metallica tribute band called "Misstallica" in Jersey. [NYT]

    John Edwards was ordered on Thursday to repay the treasury $2.3 million, the Federal Election Commission ruled unanimously. [People]

    Lindsay Lohan photographed with a tequila bottle in her hand (but apparently it was all planned). [TMZ]