The Exclusive Interview Regarding That Old Montauk Monster

by Rachelle Hruska · August 1, 2008

    The ONE Thursday I miss a taping of "The Juice" is not when they decide to not only film at my favorite place ever (The Surf Lodge), but they get all the ACTION on the crazy Montauk creature that everyone has been talking about all week. Nick Leighton sat down with the girls that found the creature (Rachel Goldberg, Jenna Hewitt, and Courtney Fruin...who are, no doubt having the most exciting months of their lives) to get the facts.

    Here are the Facts on the Montauk Monster:

    (They claim) it really was found on the shores of Montauk and carried to a friend's backyard where it has since decomposed (ewww!)

    The bones have since been placed in a box in said freinds house where they will remain until said finders determine who will pay them the most the best recipients will be.

    It is not a raccoon...the body proportions are off.


    Montauk Monster