Rhett Miller Shows Us How To Do A Sunday

by Stanely Stuyvesant · July 17, 2008

    rhett miller at surf lodge [Rhett Miller at the Surf Lodge, Photo by K. Doran via Rob Rich]

    By Sunday most people are just FINALLY getting into their weekend groove, which is really unfortunate considering Monday's imminent doom.  Sunday nights are the worst. Which is why, you must make an extra effort to fill your weekend with magic to forget about the dwindling hours of freedom.  Surf Lodge is here to help.  Last Sunday they showed us all how a  party SHOULD be done hosting Rhett Miller who became part of the gorgeous sunset backdrop.

    summer-strauch-zach-bliss-and-jayma-cardosarhett miller at surf lodgerocco-ancarola-jamie-mulholland-and-avi-sivin

    More photos by Rob Rich below:

    rhett miller at surf lodgerhett miller at surf lodgerhett miller at surf lodge