Lissie Performance at The Surf Lodge

LissieWhere: The Surf Lodge Who was there: Guests included Patrick Carney, Peter Davis, Steven Rojas. Other details: Steven Rojas hit the decks before Lissie came out to play at 7:30pm. Among the people in the crowd was Patrick Carney from The Black Keys who was drinking a Corona and relaxing with his family. The Surf Lodge (@TheSurfLodgeMTK) twitter:
Getting to rock out to @lissiemusic: Sundays are everything here. @PeterDavisNYC
[Photo: Lissie via @gofghamptons] Patrick Carney [Patrick Carney] Lissie at The Surf LodgeLissie at The Surf Lodge [Photos via @allisunchurch, via @ashd1991] Lissie [Lissie via @thesurflodgemtk]
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