Photos Of The Day: Getting Tie-Dyed With Sam Talbot And Tracy Feith At Surf Lodge

by KENDRA SEAY · August 4, 2009

    [Sam Talbot and Tracy Feith. All photos by K.Doran for Rob Rich]

    Is the tie-dye party making a comeback?! We hope so. As a favorite summer pastime from most people's childhoods, we can't think of a better way to spend a summer day than taking it old school by turning white tees into psychedelic masterpieces and Surf Lodge agrees. Chef Sam Talbot and designer Tracy Feith were spotted tie-dying their little hearts out Saturday night with t-shirts and chef aprons for a Montauk style tie-dye party hosted by Madewell. More photos below...

    Sam Talbot

    Tracy Feith

    Sam Talbot and Tracy Feith