"The Best $12k I Ever Spent!" Shitfaced Socialites Do Memorial Day Weekend Outside City

by guestofaguest · June 2, 2010

    Well, if this just 'aint another case for sending your child to boarding school.... This Memorial Day weekend, these NYC socialites (including High Society's Paul Johnson Calderon and GofG's John Munson), decided to forgo the faux-ialites out East (ahem, Devorah Rose we're looking at you!), and party it up in a country house in CT.

    An evening out in the Hamptons could typically run you around $2k. But a debauchery of this magnitude runs you somewhere in the neighborhood of $12k. All in all, I think it's safe to say, it was money well spent.

    The night started civil enough. These are ex-boarding school graduates and unemployed 20 somethings living off their parents dime in NYC, but they are not animals:

    No detail was spared:

    Then, the party really took a turn. Get these kids around each other and the prep school memories are too strong to resist. A decade later, they're still letting it all hang out on the dance floor. Good for them!

    PJC especially got into it. (The song playing was Lionel Richie's "All Night Long")

    A couple of moves later, it was group photo time!

    Then, things started getting hazy:

    We all know how this story's going to end....

    But wait! We're all still having fun right?

    Hahahahah, you guys are the best. I love you all so much. Lets stay bff's forever.

    Calling it a night before the sun's up? Guess we are getting older:

    Another hung over morning together. Money can't put a price on this special feeling folks: