Clothes Makes The Lifeguard

by CARSON GRIFFITH · June 23, 2009

    [Photo by PMc]

    So don't think we had one too many Sex On The Beaches (ew!) and mistook this life-saver for a fashion plate, but he sure can accessorize his lack of clothes, can't he ladies? Even though his pastel swim trunks weren't enough to give him the honor of a full "Clothes Makes" post on their own, we think his cute little whistle, and Lifegaurd On Duty chair do. Bonus points for his professional stance - nothing says ready for action like a Baywatch worthy pose. We have a feeling those tennis shoes are more for hitting the dance floor than the ocean though. While we did see many others at Love Heals sporting the beach chic look that was the theme for the night, no one nailed it quite on the head like Mr. Lifegaurd here. Apparently less is more - literally.
