The Fun Begins:

The Fun Begins: Once you made it to your sharehouse, you were ready to get the long weekend started. Something we knew but were re-confirmed of this past weekend: If there's one thing Americans love, it's getting dressed in theme and posing for photos on Instagram. Check out some of our country's finest:
@alyteich: Well done Wellspring House!  We are so into your spirited group: Go Team America!
Sharehouse 4th of July
@katkauf: You girls clearly spent all of June planning for this weekend, and we clearly think it has paid off!
American Babes
@djdusty7, we are proud to have you and your dog Fritz as members of our fine country and appreciate your enthusiasm.
And finally, @natamals, you really were part of quite the crew in Montauk this weekend. We love you and your friends' fine American bods!
An, our favorite group, shot by @laurroll in East Hampton. We especially love the fellow in front in the fur vest:
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