The Best Guests Come Bearing Gifts...The Quotable Douchebag!

by TIFFANY ETESSAMI · March 11, 2010

    Margaret McGuire might have thought of the best idea for a book...ever.  The Quotable Douchebag: A Treasury of Spetaculary Stupid Remarks has caught the cockiest and most ridiculous quotes from that special breed of guys who pop their collars, rock Ed Hardy and pump their fists like they're spending a summer at the Jersey Shore.


    D-bags whose quotes have been immortalized include John Mayer (great timing...), David Hasselhoff and American Apparel's Dov Charney.

    Personal favorites? "I'm a T-shirt guy now. But wifebeaters won't go out of style, no as long as bitches keep mouthing off." That piece of wisdom comes courtesy of Eminem.

    What about '80s hasbeen David Hasselhoff of Baywatch fame? He believes, "there are many dying children out there whose last wish is to meet me." I'm sure that's one of the biggest requests at the Make-A-Wish Foundation...

    You can order these 144 pages of entertainment from Amazon right now... what are you waiting for, Jon Gosselin?!