Marc Jacobs underage models

6. Even though the CDFA has been cracking down on the use of models under the age of 16, and has even required the models to produce IDs prior to the show, it seems that at least two underage models walked in Marc Jacobs show last night. Jacobs, however, was unapologetic about the mishap, even though he is now on the board of the CDFA. Says he:
I do the show the way I think it should be and not the way somebody tells me it should be ... If [the models'] parents are willing to let them do a show, I don’t see any reason that it should be me who tells them that they can’t ... There are children actors and children models for catalogs and stuff, so I guess if a parent thinks it’s O.K. and a kid wants to do it, it’s fine.
This is a decidedly different approach than CDFA president, Diane von Furstenburg, who apologized when her show used a model that was 15 years old last year. [TheCut]
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