No More Will The Media Be Meshing

by CHRISTOPHER CONFESSORE · December 12, 2008

    [Keep Smiling Richard! Richard Blakeley and Caroline McCarthy via]

    Go HERE for more photos from this event by Kate Miltner Go HERE for more photos from this event by Nick McGlynn

    Last night saw the final Media Meshing Party, as the NYC media horde gathered for a joyous F-U to the sagging industry outlook.  Those with jobs, those aspiring to, and those mourning lost ones packed Sweet & Vicious one last time, and made a drenched night into a celebration. Joining our host, Gawker’s Richard Blakeley was a whole Gawker Media posse that included:

    More story and pictures below:

    James Del, Scott Kidder, Erin McGill, Kaila Hale-Stern, Jesus Diaz, Ray Wert, and Dashiell Bennett; former Gawkers like Michael Weiss (Jewcy) and Silicon Alley Insider Nicholas Carlson with his wife Anna; and other members of the media universe like Dan Frommer of Silicon Alley Insider, John Carney, Rex Sorgatz, Nick McGlynn, Andrew Krucoff, Antikris, Mike Hudack (, Andrew Baron, David Karp, Kelly Reeves of AOL's Urlesque, Charles Forman, Flavie Bagnol (Thrillist), Chris O'Leary (East Village Idiot), Rex Sorgatz, Caroline McCarthy, Justin Rocket Silverman and Matt Harvey of the NY Post, Kevin Kearney (Hard Candy Shell), John Rambow (BTO), Hunter Walker (Mediabistro), Doug Jaeger (Happy Corp), Brian Van, and Sarah Austin (