Alexander Wang faces federal court for sweatshop allegations.

3. Alexander Wang faces federal court for sweatshop allegations. These allegations were re-filed in the New York Federal Court on Friday by a new law firm, Kraselnik & Lee so the case would reach federal court. Re-filed by the original plaintiffs, Wenyu Lu and Flor Duante, Wang is being accused of running a sweatshop in his Chinatown factory. According to WWD, Wang's spokesperson lashed out saying,
"The claims regarding sweatshop conditions are completely untrue... In reality, this case was filed by an individual who was let go by the company as a result of serious harassment issues. We stand by our decision to promote a safe workplace environment for all employees regardless of false claims that may be waged against us in retaliation."
Wang's lawyer, Hugh Mo, has twenty days to respond to the new allegations. [NYMagazine] [Alexander Wang via]
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