Marc Jacobs Says Not Going To Dior Was Best

2. Marc Jacobs is indeed happy he didn't take the job offer to work at Dior after the Galiano scandal. Instead, he has a major exhibition which opens on March 9 at the Musée des Arts Decoratifs in Paris, called simply 'Louis Vuitton - Marc Jacobs', spread over two floors, each one devoted to the life and work of each man. He told the Telegraph,
"It's a really great honour,' Jacobs told the Telegraph . "It's going to be a super animated, really great exhibition. I'm really proud of everyone here, proud for everyone here. As a New Yorker, I love Paris and I never in my wildest dreams as a teenager dreamed I would have a job working for this big luxury company. Now 15 years on, there is this thing at the Musée des Arts Decoratifs at the Louvre - it is really beyond my wildest dreams. It makes me very emotional - in a good way." [Telegraph]
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