physical trait comparisons

Physical Traits
Did you catch the part where we described each actor by their physical traits? Because if you didn't, here's why it's important: NONE of the leads look like their characters (and the internet practically combusted over how wrong Jennifer Lawrence was for the role of Katniss because she isn't brunette). According to the books, the district where the main characters come from is split into two areas housing two distinct social classes. "The Seam" is a slum where those who work in the coal mines live; the mercantile class lives in the town. Those from the Seam (such as Katniss and Gale) generally have dark hair, grey eyes and olive skin, and those from merchant families (like Peeta) usually have blond hair and blue eyes. Here's a comparison - As themselves: A few hair dye jobs and contact lenses later, we get this: So the casting odds were in their favor, after all. [Photos via, via, via, via, via, and via]
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