The Hells Angels Have Nothing On Chicago-Area Grandmothers

by BILLY GRAY · February 26, 2010

    So a 90-year old walks (on a walker) into a biker bar and the bartender says...Oh wait, this really happened. Eight seniors from a Chicago nursing home recently parked their hogs (er, wheelchairs) by the rough and tumble Evil Olive. Bikers being secret softies,  the Harley-enthusiast regulars loved them.

    NBC Chicago reports that like the loony tunes in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest busting out of the crazy farm for a deep sea fishing trip, Bethesda Nursing Home's old folks--curious about the Evil Olive after driving by during more age-appropriate field trips--needed a change of pace(maker). But there was no Nurse Ratched to thwart their plans! In fact, Bethesda employees got the elders all dolled up in the latest biker fashions so they won't stick out like even more arthritic thumbs.

    Grizzled veterans of the bar couldn't have been more welcoming. They even gave the grannies (and one grandpa) a lift...not on the back of their bikes, but up the dive's handicap-inaccessible stairs.

    Said General Manager Eric Bollard:

    “These women were serious, man. They showed up with pink hair and skull caps. It was for real. … One woman walked straight up to the bar and ordered a Dirty Martini. It was great."

    And then she broke a pool stick over Bollard's head and took a piss on the floor. At least, I hope.

    66-year old Janet Kaplan summed it up best, and proved that even old folks can keep up with the current lingo:

    “One of our residents, Katie, just turned 97, and she got up with her walker and shook her booty. She shook it good."

    (Photos Courtesy of NBC Chicago and Bethesda Home And Retirement Center)