Anne Owen

Anne OwenCue Anne Owen (the Owen of Owen + Alchemy, if you haven’t figured that out yet). She’s cute, she’s spunky (must be all that green juice) and if it weren’t for her, I would not be drinking a deliciously concocted vegetable and / or fruit beverage at least three times a week. Of course you can’t be surprised I met Anne via plant babe herself (and former CCF Loves) Jessica Murnane. I trust Jessica’s judgment (especially when it comes to people) so I knew Anne had to be awesome. And guess what? She is! I get extra excited about unique places that open in Chicago because it just makes this fantastic city that much more legit (and selfishly, I just like a new place to go to!) Juice bars are everywhere but there is nothing like O+A (even WWD thinks so!) You can’t even really call this place a juice bar. They call themselves a “modern juice apothecary” and that’s exactly what it is — cashew yogurt bowl with coconut milk, chia seeds and sesame brittle, anyone? Or is a 3 kale salad with creamy avocado dressing more your thing? Regardless of what your mouth craves, if you haven’t been, you need to experience it for yourself. But enough about the juice, it’s time we get to the brains behind all that juice — let’s meet Anne Owen. [Photo via ChiCityFashion]
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