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3. Like Pax Jolie-Pitt, or Suri Cruise, I hope that her slightly odd name and high power parents don't make her an absolute brat. I have faith in B to not spoil little Blue (too much). Case in point, Suri's Burn Book had a moment, commenting on the birth of baby Blue:
Well, it’s here. Beyonce reportedly gave birth to a daughter yesterday in New York, named either Blue Ivy or Ivy Blue. (Gwyneth Paltrow says it’s “Blue Ivy,” but since when has she been a trustworthy individual?) Ivy Blue Knowles-Z is a much better name, so obviously I’m pushing for the opposite. For all of you who are concerned about my well-being, don’t be. I am fine. Well, I will be fine after my acupuncture appointment and a kickboxing class. Here’s a picture of Amy Poehler’s ginger baby to cheer us all up:
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