What fashion and accessories items are you wearing at SXSW?

Z: Well, actually, to be honest—I'm not a big fan of accessories. I have one ring, and that's, like, my grandma's grandma's grandma's. And that's actually, like, the only thing that I always wear. And I have a necklace with my sister's name on it. So I like to keep it in the fa-mi-ly!! But I'm not a big fan of bracelets or earrings. I do love a good earring. But I try to keep it simple, pretty simple.

Clotheswise? Oh, I love shoes....And I love, like, bags and stuff. But I probably won't have bags on stage even though I could totally do that 'cause I love bags. Oh! Actually, I! I'm obsessed with sunglasses! And the thing is—I actually never wear them. I just like to look at them in my closet. I'm like, "Yeah!" 

[Photo courtesy of Clinique]

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