Michelle Christensen

Michelle Christensen

Give us a little peek into your style's evolution. What shaped your current aesthetic approach?

I got my BFA in illustration, and in school I was told a lot that I needed to focus on one medium/style, but I kept being interested in so many different things, which now looking back, makes sense that I would be designing products with my illustrations on them (For me it keeps it interesting!). I can paint realistically, and I also have a distinct illustrative style that I've taken time to develop. As time goes on they are starting to merge.

I did a lot of internships with notable NYC illustrators Nathalie Ascencios and Robert Neubecker. I also apprenticed with painter William Whitaker. They were so influential in helping my style. They were incredible mentors. I dedicate a lot my success to them (as well as to many of my teachers!)

Might you be able to share with us a work of yours that has a personal story associated with it?

My S/S15 line last year was my first clothing launch, and I'd just moved to London. I met a wonderful creative group of people there that I was lucky enough to work with a lot. Kami Weddick was my photographer, Helen McDonald was my makeup artist, and my model was Alexandra. It was winter when we photographed, but it was so fun to run around South Kensington, trying to make sure Alex was warm enough (in my swimsuits!) and just making beautiful pictures. I learn a lot from each shoot I style and arrange. I did several that year with my clothing designs, and one of my favorites was being yelled at in Hyde Park because we were too close to Prince William and Princess Kate's palace. Whoops!

You can do a portrait sitting with anyone on the planet. Whom do you immortalize?

I would probably ask my Grandmother Joan. I never knew her; she died when I was 5. I have learned so much about her since, and I feel like we were probably much alike. She was vibrant, creative, beautiful. My dad says she was always thinking of creative things to do. I know she's also been by my side my whole life.

[Photo via @mylittlebelleville]

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